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Yet again, we make the trek to the cross with Jesus; heeding a call to remembrance and self-reflection as each event unfolds. Intentionality will lead us to deep inner work and even transformation through the presence of God’s loving Spirit if we are willing. May we not rush ahead to Easter but make the slow and deliberate journey to the cross, as we make room for the chaos and confusion, the quest for power, the betrayal, the suffering, lament, grief, and sorrow, all the while taking in the beauty of new life that surrounds us.

It’s no coincidence that, during this season, God has hand painted the earth with inspiration for us to be faithful. The beauty of God’s creation astounds us, allowing us to acknowledge the “both/and” of life in each moment: hosanna/horror, blessing/burden, joy/sorrow, tears/laughter, life/death.

This week, may we allow the beauty of God’s artistic canvas to draw us into deeper meditation and prayerful reflection. Perhaps daily prayer walks or a few minutes of solitude and silence by a stream are in order. The birds’ songs may provide just the worship music we need to facilitate a personal openness to God’s Spirit. How might God be revealing God’s deep love for all of humanity through this beautiful canvas? How carefully God asks us to hold the tension of suffering, disappointment, grief and loss with beauty, new life, and the hope of resurrection.

God’s Artwork

We discovered the most marvelous artwork at the Getty Center’s exhibit called Sacred Landscapes: Nature in Renaissance Manuscripts “How does nature deepen our connection to the Sacred?” (Visit their site). Painted with careful attention to every detail, readers are reminded or challenged to appreciate and respect the wonder of creation.

Hellebore Orientalis
Called the Lenten Rose

Crimson Rose
The Blood of Christ

Dianthus Pinks
Nails on the Cross

Purple Iris
Passion of Christ and the Resurrection

Purity of Mary. Flower of sadness.

Heartsease (Pansy)
The Holy Trinity

All of creation leads us to deeper connection with God. May we have penetrable hearts, willing to be molded and shaped by the Creator Artist this week, as we journey to the cross. May we stay vigilant and awakened, so that our eyes see more clearly and our ears hear more profoundly — the story of God’s incredible love for us.

From “Gethsemane,” a poem by Mary Oliver:
The grass never sleeps.
Or the roses.
Nor does the lily have a secret eye that shuts until morning.
Jesus said, wait with me. But the disciples slept.
The cricket has such splendid fringe on its feet,
And it sings, have you noticed, with its whole body,
And heaven knows if it ever sleeps.