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During the 40 days of Lent, we are called to stay even more closely connected to Jesus Christ in our daily life; to be vulnerable enough to ask the Holy Spirit to help us identify what thoughts, actions, or habits we need to get rid of- or to add- in order to grow closer in our relationship with Jesus and to serve Him more faithfully. 


This is a season to clear out the clutter of our hearts, as we reflect on the life of Jesus Christ- His teaching, His ministry, His example of love and servanthood, and His sacrificial death- so that, on Easter Sunday- we can celebrate once again the glory of His resurrection, which gives us HOPE for today, tomorrow, and for all eternity. 


In our Ash Wednesday service, I offered an invitation to the congregation. Having adapted a selection from the United Methodist Book of Worship, I said,

“Friends, I invite you now, in the Name of Christ Jesus our Lord, to observe a holy Lent:

To spend time in self-examination and prayer,

To engage in life-giving spiritual practices,

          To read and meditate on God’s Holy Word,

To repent,

To return to the Lord again and again,

And to rest in Him.”


As I spoke, a deeper realization was revealed:   “Again and again” means that, in God’s grace-filled loving kindness and compassion, God is more than ready to receive me in the divine arms of love whenever I recognize that I’ve gotten off track.  There are no limits to the Lord’s forgiveness, mercy and grace! He offers it again and again and again, unconditionally.


When I make mistakes, when I do my own thing and pay attention to my own wants, needs, and desires before I entertain those of others, when I give in to sinful attitudes or say or do things that aren’t pleasing to God, or when I choose not to follow Christ’s example of servanthood, I can simply return to the Lord who is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. 


This Lent, may we repent and return to the Lord again and again and again, for If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  (1 John 1:9)


That, my friends, is the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.